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Military Information

The US Military is comprised of the following six branches:

  1. United States Army: The Army is the oldest and largest branch of the U.S. military, responsible for land-based military operations. Its primary mission is to protect and defend the nation and its interests by providing ground forces necessary for combat operations.
  2. United States Navy: The Navy is responsible for maintaining, training, and equipping combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression, and maintaining freedom of the seas. It operates ships, submarines, and aircraft carriers and conducts operations at sea, on land, and in the air.
  3. United States Air Force: The Air Force is responsible for aerial warfare, space warfare, and cyber warfare. It operates fighter aircraft, bombers, transport aircraft, and reconnaissance aircraft, as well as intercontinental ballistic missiles and space launch vehicles.
  4. United States Marine Corps: The Marines are a rapid-response, amphibious military branch that is often the first to arrive in conflict zones. They specialize in expeditionary warfare, including amphibious assaults, and also serve as a force-in-readiness for global crisis response.
  5. United States Coast Guard: While not part of the Department of Defense, the Coast Guard is considered a military service. Its missions include maritime law enforcement, search and rescue, environmental protection, and maritime security. It operates under the Department of Homeland Security during peacetime but can be transferred to the Department of the Navy during times of war.

These branches work together to provide comprehensive defense capabilities for the United States, each with its own specialized focus and areas of expertise.

Enlisting in the United States military involves several steps. Here's a general overview of the process:

  1. Research: Before enlisting, it's essential to research the different branches of the military to determine which one aligns best with your interests, skills, and career goals.
  2. Meet Basic Requirements: Each branch of the military has its own set of eligibility criteria, including age, citizenship, education, physical fitness, and legal requirements. Make sure you meet these basic requirements before proceeding.
  3. Talk to a Recruiter: Contact a recruiter from the branch you're interested in joining. Recruiters are trained to provide information about the military, answer questions, and guide you through the enlistment process. They can also help you choose a career path within the military based on your skills and interests.
  4. Take the ASVAB: The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a test used to assess your skills and abilities to determine which military jobs you are best suited for. You'll need to take this test as part of the enlistment process.
  5. Medical Examination: You'll undergo a medical examination to ensure you meet the physical and medical standards required for military service. This examination includes a review of your medical history, a physical examination, and various tests to assess your overall health.
  6. Background Check: As part of the enlistment process, you'll undergo a background check to ensure you meet the moral and ethical standards required for military service. This includes a review of your criminal history, if any.
  7. Sign Enlistment Contract: If you meet all the requirements and pass the necessary tests and examinations, you'll be presented with an enlistment contract. This contract outlines your terms of service, including your chosen military occupation, length of service, and other obligations.
  8. Basic Training: After signing the enlistment contract, you'll attend basic training, also known as boot camp, where you'll receive instruction and training in military skills, discipline, and teamwork.
  9. Graduation and Assignment: Upon completing basic training, you'll graduate and receive your assignment to your first duty station, where you'll begin your career in the military.

It's important to note that the enlistment process may vary slightly depending on the branch of the military and individual circumstances. Working closely with a recruiter can help ensure a smooth and successful enlistment process. 

Harborfields High School frequently receives visits from military recruiters and will email 

For more information, you can visit the following website or speak to your school counselor.