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Staff Directory

Oldfield Middle School


Assistant Principal

(Pupil Personnel Services)
(Principal's Office)

(Pupil Personnel Services)
(Pupil Personnel Services)

(Music & Art)
(Nurse's Office)

(Duplicating Office)

(Pupil Personnel Services)
(Main Office)

(Pupil Personnel Services)
(Assistant Principal's Office)

(Attendance - Office Assistant )

Faculty and Staff

(Elementary Teacher)

(Elementary Teacher)


(Permanent Substitute Teacher - Art)
(Library Media Specialist)

(World Language)


(Special Education)
(Head Custodian)

(Teaching Assistant)

(Physical Education)
(Social Studies)

(Special Education)
(Physical Education)

(Art Teacher)

(Family and Consumer Sciences)

(Teaching Assistant)

(Teaching Assistant)
(Teaching Assistant)

(Social Studies)

(Special Education)

(Permanent Substitute Teacher)

(Permanent Substitute Teacher)
(Physical Education)

(Permanent Substitute Teacher)

(Elementary Teacher)
(Teaching Assistant)

(Permanent Substitute Teacher)
(Elementary Teacher)

(World Language)

(Teaching Assistant)

(Special Education)

(Social Studies)
(Elementary Teacher)

(World Language)

(Teaching Assistant)
(World Language)


(Special Education)
(Special Education)

(Elementary Teacher)

(Social Studies)
(Social Studies/Dean)

(Physical Education)
(World Language)

(Elementary Teacher)

(Permanent Substitute Teacher)

(Special Education)

(Physical Education)

(Permanent Substitute - Music)
(Permanent Substitute Teacher)

(Teaching Assistant)
(Elementary Teacher)

Support Staff
(School Counselor)

(Social Worker)

(School Counselor)
(School Psychologist)

(School Psychologist)

(School Counselor)

(Permanent Substitute School Counselor)


Our Schools/Buildings

District Office
Harborfields High School
Oldfield Middle School
Thomas J. Lahey Elementary School
Washington Dr. Primary School