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Seven Harborfields High School Students Honored with NYSSMA All-State Designations

Seven Harborfields High School Students Honored with NYSSMA All-State Designations thumbnail199782

It is with great pride that we recognize seven Harborfields High School students who have earned NYSSMA All-State designations. These students, who took part in NYSSMA All-State adjudications in the 2020-2021 school year, all received A+ ratings and were selected for participation or alternate status in these prestigious honor ensembles which will be performing in Rochester in December: Breckyn Beechey (Cello Alternate), Alexandra Ebanks (Cello, Symphony Orchestra), Caitlin Fealy (Flute Alternate), Emelie Hochwald (Violin, Symphony Orchestra), Christopher Hummel (Violin, Symphony Orchestra), Mia Mirabile (Soprano 2 Alternate), Owen Walter (Tenor 1 Alternate).

While being recognized with a NYSSMA All-State designation always puts students in very select company, that fact has been magnified this year. Given both the unique aspects and difficulties of performing video adjudications last spring, coupled with the fact that NYSSMA was required to cut back the number of accepted participants from the norm become of distancing measures, this honor is all the more special. We congratulate these students on this extraordinary achievement.