Retirement Waiver - Section 211
Section 211 of Retirement and Social Security Law - Employment Waiver Notification
Please be advised that Harborfields Central School District has
requested and been approved by the New York State Education Department,
pursuant to Section 211 of the Retirement and Social Security Law and
§80-5.5 of Commissioner's Regulations, for the temporary employment of
Ms. Kelly Fallon as Interim Principal for Washington Drive Primary
School, for the period July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2019 at a per diem
rate of $700.00. Based upon this approval, Ms. Fallon is entitled to
receive a pension while employed. We are grateful to Ms. Fallon for her
service to our education community. This serves as the official public
notification regarding the approval of Ms. Fallon's 211 waiver.