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Harborfields Central School District

Each Child. Each Day. One Harborfields Family.

Strategic Plan

2022-2027 Harborfields Strategic Plan


In his bestselling book, Start With Why, Simon Sinek describes the importance of organizations being able to articulate and communicate their “WHY” which is their purpose, their cause, their belief. Our WHY is found in our vision to serve Each Child, Each Day, as One Harborfields Family. This simple statement, supported by the District’s Mission Statement, guides all decisions that are made as we endeavor toward a future where our vision is fully realized. It is only as One Harborfields Family that we can make our vision a reality.

When you visit our schools, you will see our facilities, our classrooms, our curriculum, and our programs. These are all vital aspects of our operation, but they do not get at the heart of WHY we do WHAT we do. This is WHY we set out to develop the Harborfields Strategic Plan through an inclusive process that involves all constituents. The Harborfields Strategic Plan represents just one aspect of HOW we will get to our collective vision for the future. As depicted in the model below, it all starts from the inside out. It all starts with WHY!

We thank the members of our community, our staff, and, most of all, our students for joining us on this journey!


A diagram with three concentric circles, labeled 'Why?', 'How?', and 'What?' in blue text.WHY DO WE DO WHAT WE DO?

We are guided by the District VISION and MISSION Statements



STRATEGIC PLAN (Single Page) (Public Presentation) (Newsletter)

BOARD OF EDUCATION GOALS (21-22) (22-23) (23-24) (24-25)




Links to District plans will be updated.  Please check back often.

Provide safe and secure schools for our students and staff (SCHOOL SAFETY PLAN).

Support our teachers and students with an innovative CURRICULUM.

Provide targeted interventions to each students academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs as outlined in the district's Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Plan.

Train our highly qualified staff to meet the evolving needs of our learners (PROFESSIONAL LEARNING PLAN).

Support the social-emotional needs of our students and staff (SCHOOL COUNSELING PLAN).

Infuse technology throughout the instructional program (TECHNOLOGY PLAN).

Ensure fiscal responsibility and sustainable programming (LONG-TERM BUDGET PLANNING).

Support our staff to provide clean and modern learning environments (FACILITIES PLAN).