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Harborfields Central School District

Each Child. Each Day. One Harborfields Family.

Library Media Center

School Library Catalogs

A modern brick building with a green roof and large windows, surrounded by a grassy lawn and a paved parking lot.

Washington DrivePrimary School

The exterior of Thomas J Lahey School, featuring a brick facade and a sign above the entrance.

T.J. Lahey Elementary School

A brick building with a white tower and a large entrance, featuring the name "Harlemville Middle School" above the entrance.

OldfieldMiddle School

An exterior view of Harborfields High School, featuring a large green sign with the school's name and a US flag waving in the breeze.

HarborfieldsHigh School


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Search for "Follett" and download the “Destiny Discover” app. 


Harborfields Library/Media Staff